
KABAR-BAIK.ID is a non-profit online media platform and social media aggregator, which is intended to welcome the arrival of Pope Francis, on 3-6 September 2024 in Indonesia and to promote the universal messages of the Catholic Church. All content related to Pope Francis news on the KABAR-BAIK.ID platform has been broadcast by other media and KABAR-BAIK.ID always attaches the original link, both from online media and social media. Except for content created by KABAR-BAIK.ID benny n joewono KABAR-BAIK.ID POPE_FRANCIS JAKARTA2024

♬ original sound – kabar-baik.id – kabar-baik.id

Bocah Nekat Peluk Paus Ketika Pidato link : https://youtu.be/891N3OLt9Jk?si=OSuVmPSKzjk68CfF

♬ original sound – kabar-baik.id – kabar-baik.id

Paus Fransiskus Menghibur Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus -NET5 https://youtu.be/p7372r2cC3U?si=Sr91hEoTua2M8sgu

♬ original sound – kabar-baik.id – kabar-baik.id

Paus Fransiskus dan Seorang Anak. link: https://youtu.be/RW9SsE79iX0?si=AgJgRPtKoWu17Jy9 PAUS-FRANCIS JAKARTA2024

♬ original sound – kabar-baik.id – kabar-baik.id
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